Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Can't Think Of A Title For This

So...Yeah...No Sparks....And I have another story...Several of them....That I'm working on...Well basicaly if I was to throw all my stories on to one desk it would cover it all and look like a big mess and none of them are finished.....Gosh, I'm a horrible writer. I can never finish things, aaaargh. But at least I try! I really do! I've just had all these wonderful ideas and I just know that I have to write them down right away or I'll forget them! I'm thinking that instead of putting up chapters, and character backgrounds (since people can just steal all those), I could put previews instead. Like, for every book and story idea and whanot I have, I can throw in previews and stuff and put them up here. And maybe I can do those tumblr things where they have ask(le character). I know I'm not famous and probably no one is even seeing this (are you seeing this? are you? or is it just one big alternate dimension with a wormhole stuck as your computer and this is just a mirage and I'm being super silly but sorry not sorry O.o) but I feel better by knowing that yes, my works are-somewhat-getting out there, and there is still a chance someone will see it, and like it, and shove it into everyone's faces, and one by one people will get the chance to see my work and maybe I'll become very successfull one day.

And I'm sick as I'm writing this D: .

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