Monday, April 15, 2013

Sparks:Book 1 of Destiny's Trails- Chapter 1

 Well then, here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it! Ignore all grammar/spelling/ALL mistakes and so on so forth. Yes, I usualy proofread, but even then there can still be mistakes. Don't jugde, the story is just beginning, it's bound to be bad! But stick with it, give it a chance, you might end up liking it! THE STORY IS MINE AND ONLY MINE I AM THE SOLE CREATOR (though I did have help from some friends. I will work out the things with them later, but you get the idea) DO NOT STEAL OR DUPLICATE! Spread the word guys, and enjoy!

Chapter 1

 Running as fast as I can, I finally catch up to Julia. “Hey!” ,I force out, panting as I slow my pace to walk next to her. “OMG! Destiny!” , she shrieks and breaks me in two when she hugs me.
   I had just moved to Heatherwood a few months ago, and was finally getting adjusted to all the new things here. It was a small town, but it had lots of cool things. It had a movie theater (that unfortunately didn’t offer a lot of movies, though), and a mall, a race track on the edge of town, a museum, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
   My family had to relocate because of my moms job. AS a real estate agent, she saw the opportunity of cheap prices, quiet neighborhood, and nice attractions. She was going to make her own agency.
   I was going to Heatherwood high, and was managing to get to school late. So, Julia had been assigned to walk me to school every morning, and if I wasn’t with her, I’d get a dollar deducted from my allowance. Her mother was great friends with mine, and so now I was friends with Julia as well.
   It was Wednesday, around the middle of December. We trudged through the cold, thick snow on our way to school, chatting about classes and gossiping, as usual. Personally, I wasn’t particularly keen to gossip, but it kept my mind off my now soaking-wet socks, so I dealt with it.
   As we rounded a corner, I felt a little tug in my chest. Instantly, I knew what it was. Casually pretending to look around, I turned and spotted a spirit floating through a tree we’d just passed, moaning something about a dog. I looked away, sighing a little.
   Ever since I can remember, I’d been able to see spirits, ghosts, you know the drill. It started with that tug on my chest, and then I saw them. Simple. It also worked with living people. I could tell if a person was bad, good, or if they had any spiritual powers, or something out of the norm. It was pretty nifty actually, but sometimes it depressed me. I saw all these spirits and I couldn’t do a thing to help them move on… Pathetic, I know.
   “And then I was all like, no way I can’t do that! And he was all like, oh yeah you can! We got into a small playfight, it was sooo CUTE!”. Julia nearly blew my eardrums at the word “cute”, and I smiled in pain back at her.
   We continued to chat…No, Julia continued to boast about her boyfriend all the way up to first-period.
   I plopped down into my chair next to the window, grateful for the peace. Behind me was the empty desk, which was great since I liked being secluded.
   Empty…Empty? I turned around again, and to my shock saw a boy sitting there instead of the usual void. I felt a tug again, and took in a sharp breath. Before my eyes, a blur of images swept my and left me dizzy, a pain bugging me in my chest.
   This is what happens when I meet someone powerful. I feel the tug, and depending on how powerful they are, the tug either goes away or bugs me for a bit. But never before had I received images as I noticed them…
   “Excuse me?”,I vaguely heard him say, shattering my thoughts. I blinked, embarrassed that I had stared. “S-Sorry…”, I stuttered, barely able to speak with the tug increasing its pull. He studied me a bit, and his eyes locked on mine, Deep, golden brown, staring into my pale blue.
   Darker and darker they seemed to get, as I couldn’t move my eyes. The tug in my chest intensified, and suddenly the air was knocked out of me. I was being pulled into his eyes, which had turned to deep pools of darkness. I felt myself fall farther, and farther. I began to make something out at the bottom, something that started to consume the whole area, that started to consume m-
   I yanked myself away from the situation, whirling around in my seat to face the front again. Panting, I made sure to not look back. It had been so weird… This had never happened before.
   Certainly, I had met people with higher-then-normal spiritual levels, but never this high, never to the point where I couldn’t breathe around them! Never had I been sucked into their eyes!
   I focused on regulating my breathing, and I felt his gaze on my. Had he felt it too? Who was he?... I let my head fall on the desk, sighing. The bell rang, and the teacher finally got here. Windswept and rushing, Mrs. Jacofsky arrived, late, as usual.
   “Sorry students, traffic!”, she forced out as she ran amok around the classroom, placing things in their correct order and hanging her jacket. “Alright then, page 42 please!”, she instructs the class and open her book, then suddenly looks up again as if she remembered something. “Ah, yes, we have a new student! Ethan, please stand.” The boy behind me got up, letting out a small sigh. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ethan Lackreter… Did I say that right?” Mrs. Jacosfky introduced Ethan, and he simply nodded and sat back down.
   Mrs. Jacofsky looked as if she wanted for him to introduce himself more, but then shrugged her shoulders and continued on with our two very, very long periods of geometry.
   I stand up after class, stretching my protesting muscles. Gathering my books, I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to see Stacy. I smile, “Hey Stace.”
   “Tiny!”, she laughs, hugging me. Yeah, that was my nickname… It didn’t help that you couldn’t really call me tall. I shrug her off and give her a playful glare, then swing my bag over my shoulder. “We’ve got English next right?”
“Yep! Come on, let’s go!”. She tugs on my arm with a happy-go-lucky smile and drags me through the classroom.
   I look back, and see Ethan staring at me, gathering his books and shooting me looks. Taken aback, I stumble a little, the tug intensifying enormously. I turn, suck in a breath, and plaster a fake smile to my face as I weave through the throng of students to my next class with Stacy.
   She was one of my most valued friends in Heatherwood. Actually, she had been the first one to talk to me, back when I first moved. She was a good girl, all the way down to her core, and I valued her as a friend.
“Destiny, what’s up?”,asked, noticing right away my fake smile as we stand in front of English class. She has this uncanny ability to tell lies from truth, probably due to her slightly higher then the normal spiritual energy. I shrug my shoulders, and the bell rings. Saved!
   I burst through the classroom door and take my place at the back of the room. I saw Ethan walk in and spot me, then head right in to me. Feeling the tug again, my breathing starts to get shallows. Stacy comes, from nowhere, and plots herself down in the only empty seat next to me, and smiles up as Ethan walks by us, glaring at her.
“… Thanks Stace.”, I mumble, slowing my breathing. She winks at me. “No problem, Tiny.”
   “Girls! Silence, please!”. Mr. Zaire raises his voice and catches our attention, and we start another round of a double period, this time with English. At the end of class, I shove my books into my backpack and head over to our last class before lunch, Music. It was my favorite of them all.
   First at the door, like always, I knocked and heard Ms. Paula’s mellow sing-song voice call me in. Suppressing another tug, I walked inside. Ms. Paula’s room always did this to me, and I was finally starting to understand why. When playing music, one’s spirit is able to show its true form… Or so I thought. Ms. Paula’s room always gave off hundreds of different energies, and whenever I walked through the door I had to suppress the urge to just fall over right there. But lately, I’ve been able to soothe the pain, so it was becoming manageable. I loved music because it let me be who I wanted to be, so I was fine dealing with this.
   Ms. Paula approached me, a calming smile on her face. She was a wonderful music teacher, and her energy was so calm and warming, inviting. She truly was a kind and caring person, and I adored that about her. “How is your composition coming, darling?”, she asks me, letting in the rest of the students.
“I’ve been working on it, and it’s coming out great. Sooner then later I’ll be able to show it to you”, I replied, excited that she was so interested.
   Recently, I had finally mastered the basics of the guitar, and I was coming up with my own music for fun. I always had free time on weekends, and what better way is there to enjoy it then playing your guitar?
“Wonderful”, she says, giving me an inspiring smile. I nod, my face reddening, and make my way to my seat, all the way in the back by the corner. Music was the only class where I hated my seat… I blink and suddenly Ethan is staring back at me, head turned around from where he was sitting. When did he get there?
   I blink again, and avoid his eyes, copying down my notes. I feel it get harder to breath, and Ethan’s energy starts to overwhelm me. I feel it… neutral, normal… And a hint of something else.  A tiny spark. Subconsciously, I stare at him, and head towards that spark. As I near it, I get waves. Rolling, thundering waves, of malice. Of hatred. Of oppression, uncontrollable desire, despair… It started to consume me… I have to get out of here.
   I shoot up out of my seat, heading for the door. I don’t even make it five steps. The energy overwhelms me, crashing through my head and my whole body, making me shake and fall. I barely hear a few gasps and a shriek, and someone’s arms wrap around me just in time. I try to stay awake, but I get sucked in to this violent dream of crashing waves of anger and rains of sorrow.

* VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE!! Unfortunetly, I will be going on hiatus. Hopefully only for two weeks. Might be more, I am not entirely sure. BUT DO NOT FRET MY DEARIES, I PROMISE TO PUT UP TWO CHAPTERS FOR SPAKRS!!!! AAAAAAAAnd, as a special treeeeat... I might even include a character's backround story!!!!! Leave your opinion on the comments BELOOOOOW, and SEE YOU SOON!!! THANK YOU*


  1. OMG! i love sparks!!! keep writing WANNA READ MORE!!! <3 <3

  2. Haha, gotcha missy! Stay tuned for the chapters that will soon be up! Don't be disapointed if I can't keep it uip on a timely manner, I do have school to worry about. But it will forever and always be here, so check in often!
